Mark 8 Computer

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The Original Mark 8 Computer

Jon Titus story

The original article in Radio Electronics July 1974.

The 8008 up close and personal.

Address Latch side A

Address Latch side B

CPU Board side A

CPU Board side B

Input MUX side A

Input MUX side B

LED Register display side A

LED Register display side B

Memory side A

Memory Side B

Output Ports side A

Output Ports side B

bullet Mark 8 hints    640 KB
bullet Digital Group Mark 8 extensions & modifications    16 megs
bullet Micro-8 Volume 1 all issues    34 megs
bullet Micro-8 Volume 2 all issues    8.7 megs
bullet Mark 8 Original Radio Electronics article    18 megs
bullet 4 KB Memory board    1.9 megs
bullet 32 KB Memory board    41 KB
bullet 8008 Instruction set sorted by code    16 KB
bullet 8008 Instruction set sorted by function    17 KB
bullet 8008 Instruction set sorted by mnemonics    15 KB
bullet Pocket Reference    2.8 megs
bullet 8008 Reference card    5 KB
bullet Mark 8 Connection info omitted from original article    657 KB
bullet Mark 8 Bottom signal connections    39 KB
bullet Scelbi's First Book of Computer Games   6.8 megs
bullet Scelbi's Galaxy game for the 8008    23.7 megs
bullet Pretty light show program    8.5 KB
bullet Save restore registers program    3 KB
bullet Scratch, clear & test memory    3 KB
bullet Tape loader program    9.5 KB
bullet Text out program    3.4 KB
bullet 8008 Monitor routines    15.4 megs
bullet Machine language programming for the 8008    13.7 megs
bullet 8008 Editor program    15 megs
bullet Monitor editor assembler    6.4 megs
bullet Selbi's basic for the 8008    23 megs
bullet SCELBAL mathematical functions supplement    3.7 megs
bullet SCELBAL strings supplement    2.4 megs
bullet SCELBAL update issues 1 - 6    2.2 megs
bullet SCELBAL asm file for As8    53 KB    ZIP format
bullet AS8 assembler    34 KB    ZIP format
bullet Memory test asm file    2 KB    ZIP format